UX + Creative Direction + MGMT + Design

Portrait photo of Alex Lockwood
For product teams who need guidance and activation, Alex is a UX Architect that grows products and inspires teams. Alex rolls up his sleeves and never stops advocating for his team, their mission, and their customers.

My "why" is to enable people to do a lot with very little. It's how I grew up. My reality turned it into my purpose. I gather the necessary information and resources, and put it to work. I try, learn quickly, and try again, recognizing patterns and simplifying. I perform and apply research in design. I make it accessible, approachable, lovable. Check out my projects to get a taste.

I'm an activator, bringing people together around an idea. I harness the collective energy and knowledge of working in a group. Diverse experience and points of view keep things fresh. The right people and processes, identified and organized, is how things get done.

A stylized photo of Alex

I grew up on the internet. Find me at @71dpi across social media. That's one less than screen resolution. Ideas, integrity, clarity, and context is more important than aesthetic. I strive for beauty and delight, but admit that slapping a fresh coat of 4k paint on something never solved a problem.

a tweet by wint (@dril) that reads: im the guy who was not sold on Jack Ass until they made it 3d

I love that people will always find ways to break your thing or do it better. Where people and tech meet, we find unlimited challenge and learning opportunities. If you want to get to know me even better aside from just the work stuff, I've written more on my About page.


See my work and read case studies:

Illustration of a Dolorean car from Back to the Future Illustration of an X ray showing a heart Portrait photo of Alex Lockwood Illustration of a bowl of rice with a happy face